Hi! I’m Zach Wise. By day, I’m a husband, father of five, an executive at a education technology software company, and lover of running, hiking, backpacking, and gardening. By early mornings and late nights, I’m the founder, coach, and “chief everything officer” of GoYe.World where I teach a communication framework and coach missionaries and gospel workers how to communicate with their senders so they feel more connected and increase their financial support.

Why I’m Blogging

Why am I blogging? In short, because life is hard enough for missionaries and gospel workers without having to feel alone and stressed by finances.

Back in 2014, my wife and I moved our young family to Peru for a couple of months in the hopes that God would give us greater clarity in what He wanted from our lives. We didn’t get the clarity we wanted right away (but God is faithful and He did give us more in His time, not ours), but what I did get was mad. Everywhere we went and with most of the missionaries we met during those couple of months we observed a shared a set of common problems that got me deeply frustrated, and yes, even a bit mad. In the years since then, I’ve had countless conversations with other missionaries from all over the world and it seems to me that there’s a significant gap between the sent (missionaries) and those who send them (churches, individual supporters, etc).

Sitting with boys from a small mountain community in Peru

Why did these missionaries who were counting the cost of following Jesus feel so disconnected from the people who had sent them and were supporting them? Why was it so rare for many of them to be contacted by their sending churches? Why did missionaries seem to feel guilt when it came to the area of finances, and why was it so difficult for them to communicate their needs to the people who had partnered with them? Why did the missionaries I was talking to feel this deep sense of obligation to demonstrate “results” to their senders? Why are these things, perhaps, true for you?

That’s what this blog will be about - answering these questions and many more. I’ll work to give you, the laborer in the harvest, the tools you need to break the cycle of dysfunctional communication, improve your relationship with your supporters, and increase your financial support. I’ll help you to avoid many of the common communication pitfalls, embrace healthy communication practices, and build a relationship with your gospel partners that helps you and your ministry to thrive and your supporters to feel a sense of shared ownership in the work God has called both of you to.

Who I’m Writing For

If you are a missionary or a gospel worker who relies on the support of other believers to supply your needs, and you’ve been struggling with feeling disconnected from the people who sent you, or you’re struggling to make financial ends meet to care for your family and ministry, then this blog is for you.

My goal is to help 100 missionary and gospel workers to move beyond their financial struggles and to experience the connected, praying, healthy community they need from their supporters in the next year.

Soli Deo Gloria


PS: If you’d like to see how I can help you, let’s talk!