About GoYe.World

Hi, I'm Zach. And I believe that life as a missionary is hard enough. Feeling alone and financial troubles shouldn't be things you need to worry about.

Zach Wise

Nearly ten years ago, my wife, our three young children, and I lived in Peru for a season to see how God might use us in the mission field. We couldn't have been more unprepared for what we learned as we met many different missionaries, some of whom we supported. Living among these amazing gospel workers opened our eyes to the realities and difficulties of living in a foreign land.

Since then, I've met and visited many more gospel workers with similar stories of financial stress and feelings of being poorly supported by their senders, not to mention all of the normal challenges that come with life as a missionary.

Now I work with missionaries like you, teaching a communication framework based on nearly twenty years of experience in the business world, that helps missionaries to build a community of gospel partners who provide emotional, financial, and prayer support as you labor in God's harvest.

The work you're doing is too important, and the time is too short for you to do this alone. I'll show you how to build up a connected support base and increase your financial support so that you have what you need to thrive in the work God has called you to.

Start commmunicating effectively with your senders and get the support you've been hoping for.