Increase your support and meet your budget

Communication coaching for missionaries to build healthy relationships with supporters.

Life as a missionary is hard enough.

Financial stress and lack of support make it harder.

If you're feeling

  • underfunded and stressed
  • forgotten about
  • like nobody reads your updates

I can help.

Commmunicate effectively with your senders and get the support you've been hoping for.

Zach Wise

I don't just care about the mission.
I care about the missionary.

I've lived alongside gospel workers just like you for years and I get it - life as a missionary is hard enough already. Add in financial stress and the feeling of isolation and it can feel overwhelming.

I help people like you increase your financial support and feel more connected to your supporters by teaching a plan for communicating that works.

Your personalized communication guide.

With your personalized communication guide you'll learn

  • how to write engaging ministry updates that people actually read
  • how often you should be communicating with your supporters
  • how to draw your supporter into the ministry as partners
  • why shorter, more frequent ministry updates result in better engagement
  • how to increase your financial support through regular communication and relationship
Product Shot
Schedule your free call to talk about
a personalized communication guide.

How to get started

1. Schedule a free consultation

Schedule a free coaching call with us where we get to know about you and your ministry and ensure our program is a good fit for you.

2. Order a personalized guide

Execute on a personalized communication guide that will show you how to begin communicating regularly and effectively with your supporters.

3. Watch your support increase

As you consistently execute on your communication plan, you'll begin to see more engaged and generous supporters.